Eleanor Roosevelt has a famous quote that you may have heard before:
“Do one thing every day that scares you.”
Every day can seem like a lot, especially for those of us who reside in the cushy walls of our comfort zone—an area where we feel at ease, with low-risk and low-stress factors. But what does the comfort zone give us? In this state of being, you aren’t learning new things or gaining new experiences. You are stagnant. Not to mention, it can get pretty boring in your bubble of comfort. When it comes down to it, staying in your comfort zone is short-sighted: while you may want to stay in your bubble now, a few years down the road you may regret that you didn’t take any leaps beyond it.
As early as 1908, scientists have studied a theory that there is an area between comfort and extreme stress—an anxiety sweet spot, you could say—where you are most productive and most receptive to new knowledge. Going beyond your comfort zone and embracing that anxiety may be just what you need to have new experiences that you may have never encountered. As you integrate productive discomfort into your life, over time, you’ll start to become more at ease embracing this anxiety, and will be less afraid to try new things and face risky challenges in the future.
Roosevelt just may have been onto something big. Follow her advice, and take on some of these challenges to bring some healthy discomfort into your life.
Disrupt Your Routine
Strike Up a Conversation with a Stranger
Try a New Activity
Beyond these tips, you can make a list of things that personally scare you, and try to do one as often as you can. A risk doesn’t have to be an extreme sport or a total overhaul of your lifestyle. Everyone has a different comfort zone, and it can be something minor that puts you in an uneasy state.
Stepping out of your comfort zone and facing the anxiety head-on can give you the confidence to take bigger risks that make you nervous, such as asking for that promotion, or initiating a new friendship with an acquaintance. It can also give you new views that can inspire you in many areas of your life. It’s important to remember that the comfort zone isn’t a bad place to be in. It’s your place to relax, reset, and reflect on the benefits you gained from stepping outside of it.