Leap to Confidence Online
Trainer Certification Program
Does your organization serve women rebuilding their lives from these experiences?
- Domestic violence
- Homelessness
- Addiction
- Mental and physical health challenges
- Trauma
- Barriers to employment
If yes, you know the challenges they experience:
- Lack of self-confidence, low self-worth
- Extended time out of the workforce
- Stuck in low paying jobs – vulnerability to layoffs
- Hopelessness and depression
- Lack of communication/relational skills
- Difficulty dealing with conflict and not knowing how to set boundaries
We’ve discovered the secrets to building confidence and want to share them with you! Since 2011 we’ve been teaching women critical skills and tools to build their self-confidence. Now you can share this powerful program with your clients.
Trainer Certification extends the impact of your services, and helps your clients:
- Enhance their communication skills and confidence
- Improve ability to manage stress and anxiety
- Replace negative self-talk and limiting beliefs with positive behaviors and actions
- Share their experience, skills, and strengths for job interviews and promotions
- Feel optimism towards their future
- Recognize their ability to make choices and decisions to develop an empowered mindset
- Become part of a community of resilient women
Learn how to have an even more powerful impact with women you serve by becoming a Certified Trainer of Leap to Confidence.
Confidence is belief in yourself and your capabilities. Confidence is inner strength and clarity.
Watch this News segment on Leap to Confidence
Trainer Certification is a multi-step process that includes follow on support. At completion, you will be certified to deliver Leap to Confidence at your organization.
Online Certification Process Includes:
- Attending the 6-week Leap to Confidence Online program as a participant
- Attending the 16-hour (4-half days) Train the Trainer Workshop on Zoom.
- Teaching your first Leap to Confidence program at your organization and being observed via Zoom by Leap to Success staff with debrief/coaching after each session. (Optional)
- Receiving your Certificate of Competence after demonstrating proficiency of
training delivery. - Licensed program materials including trainer guide notebook, script, agenda,
and lesson plan for all sessions - PowerPoint file with visuals for each session
- Participant materials
Online Train the Trainer Workshop includes:
- Program philosophy of empowerment.
- Delivery mechanics and logistics of sessions.
- Trauma informed practices of facilitation and delivery to create an environment of safety and trust.
- Training demonstration and delivery by candidates.
Follow On Support
- Quarterly 1 hour training provided to certified trainers via Zoom.
- Up to six hours of email/phone/Zoom support during the six months after successfully completing the Train the Trainer program.
Contact Us:
Email: info@leaptosuccess.org
Call: 760-710-9510