Leaping Into the New
There is nothing as inspiring to me as a woman who has transformed her life from hopelessness and despair to radiance and fulfillment! As the founder of Leap to Success, I’ve witnessed this many times over the past 5 years.
As you visit our website, I want you—our supporters and new visitors—to feel this sense of hope, inspiration, and freedom. With our new colors, photos, and graphics, I want to convey possibility and success. I’m very happy with the result. I hope it will tell our Leap to Success story and help us leap forward to engage more supporters and touch more women’s lives.

Please visit often to stay up to date with events and other happenings. Share your comments, and join our Facebook community. We will continue to share inspiring stories of our women.
Special thanks to our web/graphic designer, Greg Klamt. He did an awesome job!